Honduras MH: HISCOCKS #RH17a 4c Brown 1934-1938 Telegraph CV$5+
Honduras note after Scott #C335 MNH S/S Tokyo Olympics Abraham Lincoln CV$50+
Honduras note after Scott #C458 MNH S/S 1969 Voyage to the Moon CV$20+ 442001
Honduras Scott #C153-C154 MNH S/S OVPT Germany Surrender on UPU CV$10+ 430259
Honduras Scott #C158 MNH SHEET of 25 Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR CV$40+
Honduras Scott #C331-C335 MNH OVPT OLYMPICS 1964 Tokyo CV$7+
Honduras Scott #C336-C344 MNH OLYMPICS 1964 Tokyo CV$12+
Honduras Scott #C337-C344 MNH OLYMPICS 1964 Tokyo CV$12+
Honduras Scott #C376a MNH S/S Father Subirana Death Centenary CV$20+
Honduras Scott #C403a MNH S/S Postage Stamp Centenary CV$6+ 430377
Honduras Scott #C429-C435 IMPERF MNH OLYMPICS 1968 Mexico City CV$45+
Honduras Scott #C695-C698 MNH Inter-American Women's Commission $$
Honduras Scott #C789-C792 MNH Animals FAUNA WWF CV$20+
Honduras Scott #C815 MNH Rafael Heliadoro Valle Birth Centenary $$
Honduras Scott #CO111-CO119 MNH OFICIAL on OLYMPICS 1964 Tokyo CV$25+