Falkland Islands Dependency Scott #1L92-1L95 MNH Queen Mother 85th CV$4+ 417515
Falkland Islands Dependency Scott #1LB1 1£+1£ MNH Map of South Georgia $$ 434863
Falkland Islands Scott #1L48a-1L52a MNH Scenes INSCR 1985 CV$20+ 417528
Falkland Islands Scott #1L53-1L58 MNH Plants FLORA $$ 434859
Falkland Islands Scott #1L84-1L87 FIRST DAY COVER Volcanoes South Sandwiches $$
Falkland Islands Scott #254-256 MNH Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee CV$2+ 417686
Falkland Islands Scott #254a//256a MNH BOOKLET Q.E. II Reign Jubilee CV$13+
Falkland Islands Scott #291-293 MNH GUTTER PAIRS Sir Rowland Hill ANN $$ 378372
Falkland Islands Scott #371-374 MNH Commonwealth Day CV$2+ 417518
Falkland Islands Scott #402-403 MNH SCHGS on 150th ANN $$ 417524
Falkland Islands Scott #404-407 MNH Lloyd's List 250th ANN CV$3+ 417522
Falkland Islands Scott #415a MNH S/S Nature Conservation CV$7+ 417532
Falkland Islands Scott #420-423 MNH Queen Mother Elizabeth 85th CV$3+ 417516
Falkland Islands Scott #441-445 MNH Queen Elizabeth II 60th B'day CV$3+ 417531
Falkland Islands Scott #446-449 MNH AMERIPEX '86 Stamp EXPO CV$2+ 417529
Falkland Islands Scott #766 MNH SHEET Prince William 18th Birthday CV$14+
Falkland Islands Scott #937 USED GUTTER PAIRS Scouting Centenary $$ 452405
Isle of Man Scott #254-258 MNH Links with Falkland Islands CV$3+ 417262
Isle of Man Scott #259a MNH Links with the Falkland Islands 5p $$