Great Britain Scott #BK159 MNH Northern Ireland CV$21+
Ireland Assortment #44 MNH 1978-'83 Commemorative Issues $$ 406757
IRELAND MH Dollard: Scott #7 9p Black Brown PAIR CV$52+
Ireland Note after Scott #715 MNH SHEET OLYMPICS 1988 Seoul CV$16+
Ireland OS #11 MNH POSTCARDS Castle and Landscapes $$
Ireland Scott #1352a SA BOOKLET Christmas 2001 CV$30+
Ireland Scott #1427b MNH BOOKLET of 4 PANES National Gallery ART CV$20+
Ireland Scott #1499b MNH BOOKLET 4 PANES Paintings at National Gallery CV$26+
Ireland Scott #1575b MNH BOOKLET of 4 PANES National Gallery ART CV$26+
Ireland Scott #171-172 MNH Arthur Guinness CV$20+ 430349
Ireland Scott #1722c MNH BOOKLET of 4 PANES The Planets CV$28+
Ireland Scott #1723//1759 MNH Modern Assortment Ships Arms Flora Men $$
Ireland Scott #1738 MNH of 4 PANES RTE Performing Arts Groups CV$29+
Ireland Scott #1747a SA BOOKLET 0f 10 Hands with Wedding Rings 55c CV$15+
Ireland Scott #348c MNH COIL STAMPS Strip of 4 $$ 430354
Ireland Scott #392b MNH S/S US Bicentennial CV$5+
Ireland Scott #443-444 MNH Europa 1978 Architecture CV$8+ 430347
Ireland Scott #445//462 MNH 1979 Issues Assortment See Scan CV$4+ 430356
Ireland Scott #447 MNH St. Jean de LaSalle $$ 406702
Ireland Scott #447-448 MNH European Parliament $$ 406675
Ireland Scott #448//456 MNH 1979 Issue Assortment See Scan $$ 430355
Ireland Scott #449-452 MNH Birds FAUNA $$ 430353
Ireland Scott #463-464 MNH 1979 Europa Transportation CV$7+ 430357
Ireland Scott #463-464 MNH Europa Communications CV$7+ 406677
Ireland Scott #478-479 MNH Europa 1980 Authors CV$5+ 430348
Ireland Scott #478-479 MNH Irish Authors Europa CV$5+ 406700
Ireland Scott #480-483 MNH Animals FAUNA $$ 406679
Ireland Scott #483a MNH S/S Animals FAUNA CV$2+ 417537
Ireland Scott #496-497 MNH Europa 1981 CV$5+ 378388
Ireland Scott #510-512 MNH Christmas 1981 $$ 406680
Ireland Scott #515-516 MNH Killarney National Park $$ 406694
Ireland Scott #517-518 MNH Historical Events $$ 406693
Ireland Scott #519-520 MNH Europa 1982 CV$13+ 406692
Ireland Scott #521-524 MNH Irish Authors CV$3+ 406699
Ireland Scott #523-532 MNH Boats Ships CV$3+ 426280
Ireland Scott #533 MNH Irish Parliament $$ 406698
Ireland Scott #557-558 MNH Bank of Ireland Bicentenary $$ 406687
Ireland Scott #559-560 MNH Boy's Brigade Centenary $$ 452402
Ireland Scott #559-560 MNH Boys' Brigade ANN $$ 406681
Ireland Scott #579-580 MNH Christmas 1983 $$ 406696
Ireland Scott #780c MNH BOOKLET 1990-'95 Definitives 1£ CV$5+ 430325
Ireland Scott #891-894 FIRST DAY COVER Orchids Flowers FLORA $$
Northern Ireland Scott #NIMH29 MNH 16p brn gry $$ 410009 ISH
Northern Ireland Scott #NIMH39 MNH 20.5p blue $$ 410010 ISH