Papua New Guinea Scott #1554 MNH SHEET of 4 Pineapples FLORA CV$12+ 427406
Grenada Scott #3601-3602 MNH SHEETS of 4 Sputnik Apollo Soyuz Space CV$12 408668
Sierra Leone Scott #3358 MNH SHEET Int'l Year of Light CV$11+ 408633
Mongolia Scott #2441 MNH SHEET Przewalski's Horses FAUNA WWF HOLOGRAM $$
Malagasy Republic Scott #1414A MNH SHEET of 9 History of American Cinema CV$12+
Niger Scott #1277 MNH SHEET of 4x500fr Chinese Astronauts CV$12+
SVG Union I Scott #299 MNH SHEET of 8 Queen Elizabeth II 80th Birthday CV$12+
Maldive Islands Scott #2404-2405 MNH SHEETS Queen Mother Eliz. Centenary CV$12+
Scott #1414-1415 MNH SHEETS Pr William 21st Birthday CV$12+
SVG Mustique OS #10 MNH SHEETS of 4 Prince William/Ms Middleton Engagement $$
Burundi Scott #756 MNH SHEET of 6 1999 Princess Diana (1961-1997) CV$12+
Scott #1271 MNH SHEET of 6 1961-1997 Princess Diana CV$12+
Gambia Scott #2566 MNH SHEET of 4 2002 Princess Diana 40th Birth ANN CV$12+
Dominica Scott #2229-2230 MNH SHEETS Prince William 18th Birthday CV$11+
Princess Diana MNH SHEETS of 4 Mozambique Princess Diana 1961-1997 28m $$
Comoro Islands Scott #814 MNH SHEET of 6 375fr Princess Diana 1961-1997 CV$12+
Solomon Islands Scott #1781 MNH SHEET of 4 Pope Benedict XVI 10th ANN $12 CV$12+
Solomon Islands Scott #1780 MNH SHEET of 4 Birth of John Paul II 95th ANN CV$12+
Barbuda Scott #381//385 MNH SHEETS of 3 + LBL Rowland Hill Death ANN $2 $$
Guinea Scott #677 MNH SHEET of 4 UPU Centenary CV$12+
St. Thomas & Prince Scott #1796 MNH SHEET of 4 Butterflies Insects FAUNA CV$11+
Solomon Islands Scott #942 MNH SHEET of 4 United We Stand CV$12+
Sierra Leone Scott #510//516 MLH SHEETS Prince Charles Lady Diana Wedding CV$11+
Tanzania Scott #1529 MNH SHEET Scout Conference and Horses CV$9+ 452351
Sierra Leone Scott #4791 MNH SHEET Scouts 2018 CV$10+ 452374
Somalia OS #12 MNH SHEETS Movie Stars Scout Uniforms $$ 452373
Tanzania Scott #1765 MNH SHEET Scout Jamboree Chile CV$9+ 452368
Uganda Scott #1585-1586 MNH SHEETS Scout Jamboree Chile CV$10+ 452366
Burundi OS #4 MNH SHEETS Scouting and Butterflies $$ 452293
Zaire OS #2 MNH SHEET of 4 Butterflies Insects FAUNA $$ 442125
Jersey Scott #1347a MNH SHEET of 6 Migrating Birds FAUNA CV$9+ 439425
Grenada Scott #4012 MNH SHEET Seagulls of the World Birds FAUNA CV$9+ 439407
Papua New Guinea Scott #1543 MNH SHEET American Civil War Lincoln CV$11+ 427402
Papua New Guinea Scott #1399 MNH SHEET of 4 Bats FAUNA CV$10+ 427359
Papua New Guinea Scott #1140 MNH SHEET of 4 FIFA 100th ANN CV$11+ 427310
Papua New Guinea Scott #1036 MNH SHEET of 6 Orchids FLORA CV$11+ 427297
Gambia Scott #3198 MNH SHEET of 6 Apollo 11 40th ANN CV$11+ 408653
Malagasy Republic Scott #1450 MNH SHEET of 9 History of French Cinema CV$11+
Grenada Grenadines Scott #2482-2483 MNH SHEETS Prince William 21st B'day CV$11+
Antigua Scott #2660-2661 MNH SHEETS Prince William 21st Birthday CV$11+
Sierra Leone Scott #533 MNH SHEET 2le Princess Diana's 21st Birthday CV$11+
Sierra Leone Scott #2147 MNH SHEET of 3 PAIRS 1961-1997 Princess Diana CV$11+
Maldive Islands Scott #2330 MNH SHEET of 3 PAIRS 1961-1997 Princess Diana CV$11+
St. Vincent Scott #3802-3803 MNH SHEETS Pope Benedict XVI in Germany CV$11+
Niger Scott #1177 MNH SHEET of 4 2013 Pope Benedict XVI CV$11+
Madagascar Scott #1415 MNH SHEET of 9 French Film Stars CV$11+
Maldive Islands Scott #874 MNH SHEET of 9 Queen Mother Elizabeth 80th CV$11+
Macedonia note after Scott #RA54a MNH SHEETS May '94 Red Cross CV$9+ 457899
Yugoslavia Scott #1390-1391 MNH SHEETS Joy of Europe Children CV$9+ 457875
Congo Democratic Republic MNH SHEET Princess Diana 1961-1997 $$ 439678
Nicaragua Scott #2248//2250 MNH SHEETS Princess Diana 1961-1997 5cor $$ 439669
Papua New Guinea Scott #1502 MNH SHEET of 6 Pope John Paul II CV$11+ 427392
Papua New Guinea Scott #1496 MNH SHEET of 4 Orchids Flowers FLORA CV$11+ 427390
Papua New Guinea Scott #1478 MNH SHEET of 4 Coffee FLORA CV$11+ 427384
Papua New Guinea Scott #1472 MNH SHEET of 4 Sport Fishing CV$11+ 427382
Papua New Guinea Scott #1441 MNH SHEET of 4 Beche-de-Mer Products CV$11+ 427371
Papua New Guinea Scott #1429 MNH SHEET of 4 Traditional Dances CV$11+ 427369
Czechoslovakia Scott #2928 MNH SHEET of 8 UPU 120th ANN CV$11+
Gambia Scott #3012 MNH SHEET of 4 2006 Queen Elizabeth II 80th Birthday CV$11+
Gambia Scott #2145-2146 MNH SHEETS Queen Mother Elizabeth Centenary CV$11+
Nevis Scott #1338-1339 MNH SHEETS Prince William 21st Birthday CV$11+
Guyana Scott #3490-3491 MNH SHEETS Prince William 18th Birthday CV$10+
Ghana Scott #2182-2183 MNH SHEETS Prince William 18th Birthday CV$11+
Maldive Islands Scott #3070 MNH SHEET Nelson Mandela 95th B'day w/Pope CV$11+
Liberia Scott #2630 MNH SHEET of 4 John F. Kennedy JFK CV$11+
Burundi Scott #1163 MNH SHEET of 4 2012 Pope John Paul II 1920-2005 CV$11+
Ghana Scott #2888-2889 MNH SHEETS Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI CV$11+
Chad Scott #854 MNH SHEET of 6 Pope John Paul II CV$11+
St. Thomas & Prince Scott #1580 MNH SHEET of 4 European Soccer Players CV$11+
St. Thomas & Prince Scott #1581 MNH SHEET of 4 African Soccer Players CV$11+
St. Thomas & Prince Scott #1577 MNH SHEET of 4 Mozart 250th Birth ANN CV$11+
Montserrat Scott #1120 MNH SHEET of 4 Seabirds FAUNA CV$8+ 439416
Papua New Guinea Scott #1527 MNH SHEET of 6 Chinese Zodiac Animals CV$10+ 427399
Papua New Guinea Scott #1435 MNH SHEET Paintings by Jakupa Ako CV$10+ 427373
Papua New Guinea Scott #1405 MNH SHEET Champions of Non-Violence CV$10+ 427361
Papua New Guinea Scott #1393 MNH SHEET of 4 Kokoda Trail CV$10+ 427357
Gambia Scott #3646 MNH SHEET of 4 Japan Space Research CV$10+ 408655
UN-New York Scott #350-365 MNH SHEETS 1981 Flags CV$16+ 384171
Guyana Scott #3689-3690 MNH SHEETS Queen Mother Elizabeth 101st B'day CV$10+
Ghana Scott #2074 MNH SHEET of 3 PAIRS 1998 Princess Diana (1961-1997) CV$10+
Sierra Leone Scott #2283-2284 MNH SHEETS Prince William 18th Birthday CV$10+
SVG Bequia Scott #301 MNH SHEET of 6 Princess Diana 1961-1997 CV$10+
St. Thomas & Prince Scott #1798 MNH SHEET Frank Sinatra, JFK, et. al. CV$10+
Guyana Scott #4076 MNH SHEET John F. Kennedy JFK 50th Inauguration ANN CV$10+
St. Vincent Scott #2251 MNH SHEET of 9 Disney Characters Scientists CV$10+
Uganda Scott #314-316 MNH SHEETS of 5 Prince Charles Lady Diana Wedding CV$10+
UN-Vienna Scott #457 MNH SHEET Millennium Development Goals CV$16+
Slovakia Scott #626 MNH SHEET Fish-Shaped Honey Cake 2011 CV$8+ 452559
Somalia OS #11 CTO SHEET Scouts and Butterflies $$ 452352
Guinea-Bissau OS #53 MNH SHEETS Scouts and Owls $$ 452355
St. Thomas & Prince OS #24 MNH SHEETS 2007 Scouting Centenary $$ 452313
Congo Democratic Republic OS #19 MNH SHEETS Scouting and Hogs 2002 $$ 452299
Chad OS #11 MNH SHEET Butterflies Scouting Lions $$ 452290
CAR OS #12 MNH SHEETS 2014 Scouts and Mushrooms $$ 452264
Guyana Scott #3234 MNH SHEET of 6 Princess Diana 1961-1997 CV$8+ 439666
SVG Union I Scott #251 MNH SHEET of 6 Princess Diana 1961-1997 CV$9+ 439650
Mozambique Scott #1335 MNH SHEET of 6 Princess Diana 1961-1997 $$ 439647
Uganda Scott #1779 MNH SHEET of 6 Mammals FAUNA CV$8+ 439308
Papua New Guinea Scott #1466 MNH SHEET of 6 EXPO 2010 Shanghai CV$10+ 427381
Papua New Guinea Scott #1456c MNH SHEET of 5 Kokoda Campaigns CV$10+ 427379